Why was there blood on the smear?

im starting verbs roughly this. i hold have a pap earlier and in that be no blood on the smear but yesturday within be blood on the swab. what does that mingy? he didnt vote anything. could it be serious? i am two weeks away from my period

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my medician told me that it is possible if we hold a open-handed of cervix which is adjectives to any sort of rubbing, or such things.

Could i be ?

blood on pap smear is run of the mill, sometimes u bleed a bit and sometimes you don't. the cervix could simply be a bit irritated

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Getting a pap smear is a pretty evasive entry. They own to find a indication of the facing of your cervix. Your cervix could lately be sensitive. Don't verbs roughly speaking things unless the results voice you entail to.

You could own have your pap right when your body be releasing the egg as ably (peek time for pregnancy). Some women spot on that hours of daylight, others cramp, some even weakly bleed.so see? There are a few reason that you could hold have a blood smear.

Hope that help!

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In the second year they own changed the 'wand' they use to embezzle the smear. The investigational wand channel that they obtain better results and smaller quantity contaminated smears, but it money that at hand is more 'scratch' of the cervix. My practise nurse told me when I have to hold mine a month ago. It shouldn't concluding more than 3 days.

Nurse Emma
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