So the doctor said that my cyst is gone but I still have serious pain?

I have an ovarian cyst just about 3cm on my right ovary. I go contained by for another ultrasound to see if it go away or get smaller. The doctor get support to me and said that it's gone. I am STILL have serious throbbing surrounded by my right side and lower rear anguish. I be wondering if anyone else have have this problem? Could it be endometriosis. The doctor said the solitary road to determine if it's Endo is to do a laproscopic surgery.

Any input or guidance would be great!

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I hold gone through this same entry...twice...yes the torment will other be in attendance..some doctors give the name it phantom dull pain...i name it a dull pain contained by my butt trying to peroxide the situation up for you since i own gone through 2 surgeries..The pains will blanch as you may own to bring hormone or birth control pills to settle the distress and preserve your cycles within demand. Some cysts can be controlled by the pills as they are still in attendance or are re-occuring ones. Having the cyst(s ) removed is simple.. the surgery leaves you similar to any other..groggy , groggy and groggy for a hours of daylight or two. But later you start to grain better and can start to surface better. I've have my gone ovary removed becasue of a cyst that be pretty much bigger than my ovary. It have to be done , and i dont want to terrify you, at adjectives. Either channel birth control pills or hormone pills will give a hand maintain your hormones at a height they should be and preserve the cyst from re-occuring. Hope this help and doesn't verbs you instead.pinch perfectionism :o)

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Honestly it could be niggle cause by mutilation tissue. It will eventually fade. I have a cyst the size of a golf globe once and that one departed me discomfited for rather some time.
There are a great deal of factor and side effects from endometriosis. Google it. It will supply you a better hypothesis of what it is and what the signs are. Then if you touch it still could be that, natter to your doctor. The surgery isn't that unpromising so don't keep hold of that from getting it checked on.

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I hope my email support to you help!

Going down on her tonight as a surprise but not to experienced at it. Any vigour risk?

I have a bleeding ovarian cyst that ruptured just about a year ago which sort of brought my attention to my belly. Apparently I've have endometriosis for a highly long time and it lone become noticable soon after the cyst. I still have anguish a few months after the cyst so we did a laparscopic and the doctor found adjectives kind of endo inside my body. I reccommend a laparoscopic if at hand is still headache. It sounds approaching it might be endometriosis. Good luck next to your findings!
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