Why are my lips tingling ?

why are my mouth tingling adjectives the time ,its a unexpected sense ,dont hold dignified b/p
no crude or silly answers PLEASE
50year hoary womanly going through menopause


Has anyone have any luck beside home wax?

The cold can do that,or a coldsore!

Also the menopause can do strange things to women, and can eat up blood flow to the chops.

If it continues and you dont receive a coldsore contained by the subsequent week or so, and you own tried lip balm, see you GP, they can diagnose you next to something or pescribe you near something to protect the oral cavity and promote blood flow.

I work within a hospital, and you could try ashen parafin?

Hope it adjectives works out ok.


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Usually the cold weather does this to you, or if your chops enjoy be dry and you hold be licking them. I achieve tingly chops like mad and some medicated lip balm or petroleum jelly works wonders!
It may own something to do near poor circulation apart from that?

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Some drugs produce this when you first start taking them. Have you started a latest one lately? If so, it could be serious so ring your doctor.

Otherwise, you may want to take an view from a neurologist as they traffic near effrontery issues.
Good luck

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