Girls only!!something i never understood?
ok,when my bf and i be have phone sex he said "r u have an orgasm?what does that tight-fisted?
Whats the rocky stuff surrounded by your boob?
lol...its the'll probably know when u hold one
i discern resembling human being a feminine is bizarre, im fourteen?
When you're stimulating your clitories, which is truly the hole you pee out of, or if you're have intercourse, due to the stimulation of those areas, your body will come to a point when you're at your climax/having an orgasm, which is close to a spurt and adjectives of a sudden you be aware of really flawless, which is when you're have an orgasm.Hope it help!
it mode if u be cumming oops sorry lol... im not a girl
Do adjectives girls own pubic hair?
FYI the clitoris is not the hole you pee out of.
Just thought I'd clear that up so you didn't repeat it and embarrass yourself some year =).
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