Girls only?

I'm 11 years aged. I own this strange substance surrounded by my panties and I don't know what it is... it's a white-ish clear color, and have a slight odor. What does this tight?

first orgasm after 11 times?

it's call "discharge" it's a white substance that comes out of your body if you're close or done beside your interval.during this time you'd own to wear a wipe call "panty liner" it protects your clothes and underwear from stains and wetness.

Yes it's common if this have be arranged for more than a year,so do not be alarmed,it's newly that your body is going through some change that take awhile.

And communicate to your mom just about "panty liners" because you're growing up to be a ripened young at heart female.

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You are entering puberty. It is majority discharge. Use a pantyliner to protect your underwear.

Is this a myth or is it the truth?

Its basically discharge from you vagina. It's piece of puberty and impeccably majority. If you own any more question gossip to yor mom.

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This process soon u r gonna enjoy period!

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I'm twelve, and I know what you indicate, I started to return with that nearly 6 months back my term, it usually subsides once you carry it, but my relations time guru said it be your vagina cleaning itself, don't be anxious, it only just finances your commonplace!

Normal Masturbation?

Its probably purely typical discharge that women go and get sometimes. If you're still worried, ask your mother to breed a doctor's appointment.

Are here any ways to put together my length come?

be prepared ur getting set to enjoy ur time of year...congrats
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