Fast and long lasting weight redution.....?

People surrounded by India please let somebody know me some important method for efficient and long long-term solidity redution.....?
i m 20 yrs older and weigh 70 kg which is over bulk for me .. i m doing aerobics and going to a gym both thrice a week. but no exchange within immensity . if i stop gym substance increases. please suggest me some road to weaken my consignment contained by a secure and important attitude speedily.... can the sauna slim belt shown contained by t.v be used,,,,, is it decisive.
what more or less the vlcc "shape up" capsule.. any hypothesis...

I m 5'2'' . my principal problem is my akwardly podginess and big thighs..

please do giv me ur assessment roughly the sauna slimming belt and the consignment reducing capsule of vlcc

after first little one you hold strech grades and your breast is not too firming resembling it use to be. what do you do?

Eat just when hungry and not more than thrice a sunshine. Nothing save for hose contained by between. Include plenty of red vegetables and fruits surrounded by respectively breakfast time, preferably 50%. Chew respectively morsel at most minuscule 32 times to put into action ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.

Take reading light exercises and brisk walk regularly preferably twice a hours of daylight.

U will carry out what u hold not even dreamt and that too within a pretty good time. Do not be contained by a hurry. It is however to be noted that one cannot metamorphosis the shape or size of different parts of the body.
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