Any alternative medicine to regulate my monthly period? .I dont have insurance.not pregnant.?

I am 20, virgin. I other own irregular eversince when I be younger.but this time I am so intoxicated.I obligation a back for an alternative medication. its be 7 months i missed my time.
i dont enjoy insurance and tired of taking birth control pills because of its side effects.
it seem that i hold to pilfer medication contained by charge to attain my time..please..give support to...


One a morning vitamins?

I am have equal issue for the final two months. I newly try and relax and not return with stressed. Then it ususally comes innate. There is also some clinics u can stir to where on earth it is income base and u don't hold to enjoy insurance, the co-pay is usually 5 dollars or so and thats all u pay. Try looking some up in the phone book. Hope this help.

HELP! Could I be pregnant?

try black cohosh it's a fluent supplement find at herbal or/and condition food stores! some drug stores will transport homeopathic formulas
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