Ever since i have been taking prozac, an anti-depressant. i cant get wet during sex. help?

ive be taking prozac for my depression for 2 weeks and i did some research and found that prozac can basis u to not hold honest sex. im afraid im one of the unlucky ancestors who gain this side effect. usually the sex is polite and im showery w/o lubricants, i orgasim up to that time my bf profusely.
very soon i only just take showery no thing how turned on i am. sex isnt worthy, and ive simply orgasimed once since taking prozac and it wasnt even a tremendously pleasurable orgasim. i dont want to own to use lubricants adjectives the time and i know that during sex psyche probably enjoy to re-apply the lube more than once and i dont want that to interrupt us. is here ANYTHING else i can do to bring back a run of the mill raining vagina again!! clutch a pill? what caring!?! this is so annoying. you own no belief. if i find something (even lubes) that can keep hold of me showery and if i STILL dont enjoy apposite sex im gonna stop taking prozac. ego a bit be depressed than transport that stupid crap ruining my sex vivacity. sex is impressive to me! any suitable lubes? step ahead and report me.

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You might want to put in the picture your doctor this (don't be embarassed!) and translation meds. There are dozens of different anti-depressents that could be right for you minus this side effect. KY Warming lube might back too. This probably isn't the bag, but depression and stress contained by common can hold back the level of orgasm and your body's competency to respond to pleasure, but you said you didn't enjoy this problem past taking the meds, so it probably is lately a chemical entry.

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Astroglide is biddable. If you expiration up need to reapply, consider getting the humane that have an applicator (like yeast inf. cream) that shoots a glob of it up into you. Then you'll own plenty.

Don't stop taking prozac cold turkey, though. That can donate you bleak side effects. Talk to your doctor. He can make clear to you what to do.

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Since getting pregnant, I can't get drizzly at adjectives any. We've be using the gel ky. I've never have to stop to reapply.

Oh God What can it be I am massively massively worried! PREGNANT?

call doc and procure different med,close to paxil or elavil
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