I have had an insatiable hunger for a few days now. I am not pregnant and not PMSing...?

Why is this and what can I do in the region of it? Also, I own be sleeping a indisputable lot.100% sure im not pregnant and no i am not PMSing... whats going on?

Ohkay/ am i crazy for asking this?

Sounds approaching your hormones are effecting your appetite. This could be cause by oral contraceptives or other instinctive cause. I wouldn't verbs going on for it unless it continues for more than a week.

Women singular and 18+?

Your body is describing you what it requirements.

How do you abet beside controlling menstrual body odor? lol, I know to purloin a hip bath, and tuning wipe as habitually as?

It could simply be a cycle or hormonal silver. Our bodies and hormones can devolution. I used to enjoy a regular cycle, afterwards it changed and become more irregular from endo, that`s why my hunger pang would show up at chance times. Not to articulate you hold endometriosis, but my doctor told me that our bodies constantly cash and our cycles can exchange at any time. My cycle also changed years ago when I worked near alot of women within an department and most of us finished up getting our period something like duplicate time. Weird but true. I'm sure you are fine. Good luck :)

Im offering free breast exams anybody miss their annual exam?

What is your age? In a growing age it does occur sometime.
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