My doc thinks i have IC (interstital cycstitus) (sp) of the bladder...he wants to do a stem test, has anyone?

heard of this question paper? what if i don't want to dance through the theory test right very soon, will IC get hold of worse? I know i could look it up but really looked-for an feelings from someone who have it or someone who know in the order of it? Please no smart remarks...thanks

im a guy but wondering roughly speaking womanly robustness?

I chew over you ought to look it up so I did some work for you :)
First of adjectives I could not find anywhere any support for a stem examination, what is this trial anyway? The way to diagnose IC is:

Also in adjectives these sites you can read around the symptoms, treatment, anything you want to know.

You obligation to find out what is this trial your doctor requirements to execute?
Otherwise not a soul here can relief you. I hold extensive practice going on for UTI and IC but I entail to know more more or less this exam.
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