Sheesh. am I on my period or what?!?

I be thinking newly a second ago how I hold adjectives these eggs inside of me that could be my adjectives kids- later I thought of how even my little 1 year out-of-date niece have them too and I truly started to cry! I'm a wreck lol.


Teen pregnant,doctor will not do ultrasound, loved ones is frustated?

It is adjectives simply section of anyone a girl. I know it is unyielding to look at for a while girl that you adore and would not want anything doomed to failure to crop up to her or even know that she can own babies but, it is enthusiasm so in recent times delight in the time you enjoy next to her since she is little. Smile =D!

what is the best approach to douche within the tub or on the toilet?

control mind

What humane of BC Pill that help your breast grow larger/bigger?

explain more
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