Birth control giving me head aches?

I am 21 Female on Birth Control Pills. I am in truth on Ortho Tricycline Low.(spelling..?)

anyhoo, Ive be getting primary headache for yesteryear hmmm.. year or so! Some are HORRIBLE and some are barable and consequently sometimes im flat out sick as a dog!

A friend told me to examine my birth control.

So, conceivably its time to up the dose to the subsequent hormone smooth? Ive be on Ortho Low for just about 3 years presently and ive started have headache inside the closing year. They started out not intensely regularly, so we related them to stress. Typically i get them on weekends, but not it have turned into an every hours of daylight piece!

I really requirement to find out why im have these headache, Its so knotty to function when i enjoy sledge hammer hitting my brain 24/7!

I also attain nausous every evening if i dont enjoy food right away!! I hold to chomp through dinner by 6 or im sick, shaking, undersized, and get the impression close to im roughly to throw up.

Could anybody possibly share near me some info, personal experience, etc! thankfulness!

Is brown/black discharge regular?

u involve to be put on the pill that have the LOWEST amount of estrogen!!

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birth control contained by any form is horrible for your body. ESPECIALLY THE SHOT!! DO NOT TAKE THE SHOT! i did for 6 years and it messed me up completely. ive be past its sell-by date for almost 2 years and still enjoy be unqualified to concieve. also the first yr i be stale the shot i be extremely sick next to nausea and vomiting atleast 3 times a week in the mornings lately resembling morning sickness. it also thinned my bones and im solely 26 yrs hoary and hold osteoporosis. in that are sooo masses chemicals and god know whatelse contained by birth control. its abnormal. my suggestion is to use condoms beside ur partner so you dont enjoy any vigour side effects... which u will receive on any birth control.

Have you hear of this??

I have duplicate problem! I be on Loestrin for years & years, but I finally go past its sell-by date surrounded by June because of constant migraines. Since I've be rotten I solely experience headache when I'm low on caffeine:)
It adjectives depends on your body whether you have need of a lower or better dose of estrogen..the best thought would be to have a chat it over beside your Gyno..Good luck!


My mom and I are both incredibly sensative to birth control. Mom will own to switch every 3-4 years due to symptoms approaching yours. I be incompetent to use anything but Yaxmine, and I loved it. but due to other issues I own switched to Seasonal, and bring on the headache!

I voice that it is worth looking into your birth control, but merely after you are sure that you are not sick or allergic to something else! Hope you are consciousness better soon.
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