Has anyone tried implanon? Did it work well for you? My doctors is suggesting it for birthcontrol.?

I can't nick the pill because my pressure never go wager on to typical after the birth of my son and I'm taking pressure pills.


how to find the feminine organ size ? what is the maximum size ? what is the most needed?

I get it more or less 4 months ago after I have my son. I love mine. The site where on earth they put it surrounded by itched for a few weeks but I don't make out it anymore. The item that hurt the worst be where on earth they used a syringe to numb me. And the best chunk is a reduced amount of period. In yesteryear 4 months i've simply have one time and that be 2 weeks after they inserted it. I'm merely startled of when its time to transport it out!

I've be on one and the same birth control pill for 6 year, I'm not due for my term until subsequent week?

have you tried coils i have one for 3 years call mirena it stoped my period too brilliant.

How do doctors sustain you beside your vaginal bleeding?

I have an IUD put within contained by June,So far its working pretty economically for me. I haven't see my extent since but I hold taken a few pregnancy try-out and the be neg. With the IUD theres zilch to forget nought to verbs going on for. Theres the occasional cramps and spotting but save for that its smooth sailing. lol

Is it true that you gain cargo when on your interval?

i don't call for that stuff anymore. Back within the sunshine, I used an IUD and have no troubles at adjectives. It's not right for everyone, but I don`t know you could ask roughly speaking it. I would fairly own have an implantation.
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