Wat u think please,,, Anyone with similar experience?

Hello Everyone,
I`m have a problem.

Well these second days i`m not sensation Well, From times to times I own big body heat which ressembles to restlessness but That`s not disorientation...After some time it disappears afterwards reappears

Also I have severe headache which disappears n reappear...

Till Yesterday i`m have pimples on with the sole purpose a bit on both my arms which feel close to scratch.

Sometimes I have a feeling totally tired n sleepy n sometimes not sleepy at adjectives...

From time to times i`m have abdominal cramps...:(

I really dunno wat to regard as..
I thought it be food poisoning but afterwards i realised that it`s not posible since wen i hold food poisoning i own pimples on my frontage n also now i`m not have appetite and consumption greatly little.

Then i thought roughly pregnancy but i`m not sure...it`s be a month since i have unprotected sex(isn`t it too impulsive to own these)...

I really dunno wat to devise? Please Do u hold an belief? Anyone near similar experiences?

Thank you

What can sort a butt bigger?

Go to a doctor or a Clinic in the Morning. Too abundant symptoms not to achieve it checked out. Don't pilfer medical counsel from the Internet, these population aren't doctors, turn to a doctor, you'll live longer.

Sweating Only 16.?

When you mentioned the pimples and individual hot..The first item that come to my mind be chicken pox.I have the chicken pox at 18.I thought I have pimples but it concluded up man chicken pox.If yyou start seeing more of the pimples after you will know,especially if they are itchy.Do not mark becuase you can take scar.I scratched one on my forehead and it made a hole.Call ER at the hospital and relay them your symptoms.Chicken pox is highly contagious.

is musterbating..?

Hello! I have a sister who have problem next to Pimples and some sort of scratchy entry within her arms and foot. I told her that she must be allergic to some food. Anyway, I asked her to stop consumption PORK and anything near pork and oserved. at lowest a week in need pork will enlighten you if you are allergic to it.

You know, I hold severe Psoriases and individual stopping from ingestion Pork heal my sickness. I own five children ages 18 to 26 yrs dated. To Keep them from have Pimples and allergy and told them to capture away from Pork - It worked.

Pls record that if you chomp through pork too much you will be experiencing warmness approaching you are sick and your take tired slickly and have a feeling sleepy.

Hope this will relief.


Any tips on gettin bigger boobs.?

I don't come up with your pregnant.it sounds to me resembling you might own a wispy cas of the chicken pox!! Go to the doctor and hold it checked out!
Good Luck!!
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