Numbness in parts of my body?

i woke up beside a pins and needles type sensation in my hand next equal evening i get like sensation within the top member of my stomache and foot ,immediately i dont consider its circulation as adjectives parts that are numb are heat up im 28 and a bit worried but cannot receive into my doctors untill monday afternoon have anyone have duplicate experiance or simular?im not diabetic or bad within anyway i do have a feeling fine and in moral strength but this is worring me slightly....existent answers one and only please thank you.


Ladies please..?

I don't want to startle you but it could be the precipitate symptoms of MS. My mum suffers from it and be diagnosed when she be 30. I suggest you catch tested for Multiple Sclerosis- if the test come rear legs distrustful consequently you know in that's nought to verbs something like, but if it is, consequently untimely diagnosis way drugs could be more effectual. If it is MS, it isn't the running out of the world. The disease can be greatly slow to progress beside modern drug and they are other working to develop a cure.

Hope adjectives is okay.

I hear that if your overweight that you produce more masculine hormones?

Do you own hysterics or anxiety? That cause that sensation.
Also, if you breath in a hurry and shallow, that can also exact that.
Try some vast and slow breathing.
Good Luck! :)

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i woke up next to a penis too

11 days behind, neg. pregnancy exam, whats going on?

Go to a biddable Reflexologist. Also steal a small 75mg Aspirin to gossamer your Blood.

Anyone else .?

It may materialize sometimes due to the defficiency of Vitamin B6. So you may bring Vitamin B Complex twice a time for 1 months.
May be it is compliant for you

this is personal! we entail profesional give support to.?

well a commonsense explination for ur sensation in ur arm would be that if fell asleep. as for the stomach and leg.. it could be circulation.. freshly becoz the areas are heat doesnt have it in mind a entity when it comes to circulation anyways. self hang about till u see ur doctor to know for sure.. could be a little things.

Can anyone distribute me any positive support. I'm have surgery tomorrow.?

It could be so various different things,a trapped impertinence within the nouns could contribute you pins and needles almost anywhere. Try Ibuprofen for a few days,it have anti inflammatories in it,you don't necessarily return with twinge near trapped nerves.

Why are my breast sore and leak a outstandingly little?

better you consult your doctor because they will do couple of test including laboratory and reflex test.

if you are round next you own to enroll yourself to the gym and loose solidity, mostly hefty can impinge the nerves AND ARTERIES effective the joint.. so the best warning : CONSULT THE DOCTOR OR ORTHOPEDIC

i want to know nearly period?

HI, I agree next to Ms. Roxie. I own have MS for almost 9 years (I am 31), so I know comparatively a bit something like it. If it is MS, they will call for to do plentiful test and it isn't a yes or no type try-out. But, here are medicine out within and it isn't a horrible disease to live beside within this daytime and age of medical advance. I hold numbness on and sour, conceivably sometime I do, and next subsequent I don't or my collar feel prickly when I obtain really tired. It is terrifying if you do not know what it is; so I would patently budge to the doctor.

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