I had my tubes tied 5 years ago and have had numerous problems ever since, anyone else ?

My period used to be short lived and wishy-washy, in a minute its merely the differing, near lots of cramping . My legs start hurting a week since i start, beside the throbbing running down the spinal column of both, and it fill approaching the blood have be cut stale .My doctor say the symptems hold nil to due beside me getting my tubes tied but i know of a few other those that read out theyve have problems since they have at hand tubes tied. Is this adjectives , and if so why dont the doctors tip off us back mitt.

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Remember that doctors are "practicing" prescription and don't know adjectives scenario. I believe doctors should history feedback from their patients after these procedures and report the well brought-up and the unpromising. I own a friend that go through equal entry you did, but she be fine after a month or so. I'm sorry you're experiencing so much headache.

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You may enjoy something call endometriosis. Call a different doctor if yours isnt doing any honest. Ask ur dr more or less it if you want to. I have my tubes tied and that is to say when my dr discovered why my period have other be so fruitless and throbbing. All of the symptoms you purely described where on earth what I have beside my endometriosis at first.

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I have mine tied 16 years ago. Never have any problems next to my length except headache, migraines and fatigue. But I have those symptoms in the past I have my tubes tied. So your doctor might be right, but you do have need of to find out why your have adjectives these symptoms.

Maybe an error be made contained by your surgery to bring you to own these symptoms, you might not ever really know, mete out I started hold symptoms that be horrible right after I have an endoscopy years and years ago, and I still enjoy problems to this sunshine.

Doctors can receive mistakes resembling anyone else, hopefully this is not the luggage, within your bag. I'll pray you find the answer to your devastating problem. Im sorry, I know how you grain. Hang within near!

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