Ah i had unprotected sex 2 days after my period took Plan B and now im spotting (kinda heavily) is this normal
anyone going through menopause and put on loads of wieght?
SIDE EFFECTS: Nausea, vomiting, stomach spasm, dizziness, breast discomfort, tiredness and frailty, headache, menstrual change, and diarrhea may crop up. If any of these effects stick with or worsen, notify your doctor.
Some women may own menstrual change such as spotting or bleeding past their subsequent term. Some women's subsequent length may be heavier or lighter, sooner or then. Most women will hold their subsequent menstrual spell at the expected time or in 1 week of the expected time. If your menstrual spell is delayed beyond 1 week, you may be pregnant.
sure you could be pregnant. Plan B is not 100%
Wait a couple weeks after gain a HPT.