Funny booty crack stories?

anybody enjoy any funny stories of putting something down someone's crack or seeing others do it?

lately for laughs...

haha once I be at a picnic basket bubble activity, and nearby be this girl contained by front of my who have a HUGE butt crack showing. So me and my friend took little bits of granola inn, and we started throwing them at her, seeing if they could walk within. that sounds stupid, but it be so funny, especially because the girl didn't see, and near be like mad of granola within her crack. wonder if she be confused then on? lmao.

if you're going to whine and complain, don't bother replying. this is adjectives surrounded by FUN and joke.

What could it be a sign of if you are other other constipated?

That's a honest one! Granola...

We be at a business seminar, and the guy to the lead of us have this HUGE, HAIRY crack. He kept trying to verbs his shirt down to cover it; God know why he didn't try pulling the pant up!

We made motions of putting our pen and pencils down the guys crevice, and we have our entire row trying to supress fits of giggle and snorts. You know when you're not supposed to screech and that individual make it worse? That be the best business seminar I've ever be to....

Period troubles?

i dropped a pencil down my friends crack once, lol! it be stuck within within pretty angelic too! lol!

My 13 year aged started getting her length a month ago..?

i relize its adjectives fun and joke, but thats horrific. it'll come fund at you though don't verbs.

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It be at lunch a couple years ago. This girl's crack be showing, and her crack be facing a group of guys at another table. The guys be throwing assorted nuts at her crack. They have really fruitless aim, so none of the nuts ever made it contained by. Not approaching her crack be showing adequate to catch it through, but it be very funny, fundamentally because the guys throwing the nuts have such doomed to failure aim.

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