Has anybody taken Loestri24 Fe?. My Gyn put me on this pills and I feel Depressed, aprehensive anxious?

I quality close to I am other on PMS, totally on border, irritable as hell. Has anybody experienced similar side effects near this pill? Help

How to solve this bloatedness which increases my waist queue by 5 inches! please lend a hand, ihave tried tums?

I'm 21, and I've be taking Estrostep for years, however, concluding time I go to the Gyno, she put me on Loestrin 24 and right now I started getting horrible mood swings and crying adjectives the time and kept getting these horrible depressing sensations...not to mention that I didn't grasp my extent the first 4 months I be on it, which is strange, because my gyno said that I would attain solitary roughly 2-3 days of bleeding, This pill upset the crap out of me so I switched spinal column to my prehistoric medication and I've be fine ever since. Good luck and I hope this help!

My boyfriend have a great deal of trouble "finding the hole" please assistance!?

It is adjectives to grain the side effects when you start taking birth control (either for the first time or when you switch brands). If it's seriously affecting your natural life, you should try switching. There are copious others out nearby: Yasmin, Ortho-Tri-Cyclen Lo, and masses more. EstroStep worked the best for me, but they phased that out and replaced it next to the brand you're on. I'm on Ortho-Tri-Cyclen Lo right in a minute. I don't own nearly as copious side effects, but because it's such a low dose, if I miss 1 pill, I start my term. Keep switching until you find one that works for you. Have you considered trying NuvaRing? My doctor significantly recommended it when I go near my sis yesterday to her appointment. I haven't tried it nonetheless, but my doctor swears it's amazing.

1 adjectives side effect you might bring back beside adjectives of the pills... trim down surrounded by sex drive. It's horrible. The honest though: clear skin and lighter period. Yasmin be the worst on my body. I've never be so sick back surrounded by my energy. It be giving me severe stomach cramps for 3 months. I switched and promptly feel better.

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