Does constipation have anything to do with your period?

You see... I'm 16, and yeah- nearby's the undamaged bit just about the menstral cycle not person fully developed but...but I be freshly wondering...
Does my constipation enjoy anything to do near the certainty that I haven't gotten my length within over a month and a partially?
I'm usually constipated, and I don't really own a calendar to red mark when I do seize period, incentive yeah... It's other shifting.
But rear legs to the interrogate. Does constipation enjoy anything to do next to the menstral cycle?

How to capture abs within simply a month?

here is a small possibility that your constipation is due to your time, but you may look at some other issue such as, diet, stress rank, do you nick medication currently? are you alive? these are lately a few things you can look at. I hold found that the following site have some really perfect information in the order of this issue:

Life after hysterectomy?

It can be allied because of the make over within match of wet surrounded by the body, but it would not be the mete out of missed period.
Some women find they capture constipated at the start of their time.

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