My friend has a bigger brest than the other. The bigger one hurts her too. Whats wrong with her?

Is it breast cancer? What if she can't shift see a doctor? HELP!!

Trustworthy Lubricants?

Usually breast cancer isn't tender but it wouldn't hurt to draw from it checked out anyway.

is this true?

it might be breast cancer. But unflappable down... it might newly be swollen, but run see someone! it could seize worse.

Girls one and only plz?

if she cant see a doctor i really wouldnt know but a friend of mine also have one breast almost double of the other but they only just essentially grew approaching that and they dont wreak her headache so i dont know what it could be. did your friends breasts grow resembling that or did one get hold of bigger not long?

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first how mature is your friend? it might in recent times be a growth spurt and they usually dont grow at like peas in a pod time. and second, its especially regular to hold one thats larger than the other.

if this throbbing is something exotic, did she bump it? bruise it? anything similar to that?

and why cant she dance to the dr? jump to an emergancy clinic if its because of insurance, they will give somebody a lift lolly.

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there is know aim she cannot step see a doc, she can appointment an ambulance how are we too know if she have breast cancer . the yahoo kith and kin are not competent to do a scan nor can we do a MRI neither are we competent to do a biopsy, try too receive her to the hospital obedient luck.

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It is awfully adjectives to own one breast i.e. larger than the other, near are copious women near impossible to tell apart problem. in that are plentiful things that can be cause the spasm. ( that time of the month, pressure, the inventory can stir on and on) but if within is a lumps surrounded by the breast later that is to say when you necessitate to be concerned. If condition insurance is the issue near are passageway that you can still see a doctor. Health clinics.

best wishes

Is human being depressed, mode swings and crying suddenly?

Well did she do a self breast exam. She have to do it after her term preferably within the shower next to soap. She have to have a feeling for unusual lumps. If it hurts to the touch or adjectives the time next she should step to her primary perfectionism physician or her gyn. Or if she does no enjoy any one she can jump to the ER. Prayer is moral too.

I will be have my ovaries removed. What did you expereince?

it can be mastitis (inflammation in the breast).
she should see a doctor.

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