Girls only please!! seriously a serious question!?

I am SO imbarressed because today I started my period(not the first time) and it have NEVER be SO stout! uggghhhh it in truth seeked through my pant at conservatory and I walk around approaching that!!! Has this EVER happen to you? what did you do nearly it?
how can I produce my period shorter or lighter?


Sometimes after sex it burns when I urinate. I don't enjoy that problem any other time.?

iTS happend to me. heres some tips for ya hun
- dont wear fluffy colors
- use extra long pads(tampons are a better way out, ive never have a leach near them, a moment ago switch them every 4 hours.)
-if you must wear a lantern color thieve a hoody or sweater to conservatory next to you, you can tie it around your waist.
- and a cumbersome flow finances discouraging cramps, so midol.

hope i help

I lost my interval lately?

Eat lots of lemon, seriously it help stop the bleeding.

Breast stretch marks/getting rid of them(girls single or intelligent answers)?

I'm sorry, but is that a goatee in your photo?

Menstrual Cramps?

I have that develop once or twice......I only wore a long sweatshirt when it leak through and pulled it over my pant......Why don't you try to going swimming? That will diminish the flow for a moment........Good Luck!

i am over 40 years mature, but since the ultimate two months i own be have my time 2 times a month?

It have never happen to me.
Try wearing a maxi wipe; if thats not plenty you can evern wear two! I'm so sorry that this happen to you but if it happen to you again you can tie a jacket around your waist so it covers it up.
Hope this help!

Hey ppl i hold big boobs i want to take home em small any other track next surgery?

birth control pills relieve alot

Period + illustrious college tryouts = doomed to failure!?

omg u poor entry!
ive done that at the precinct, when i tried on white pant at charrlette russe, and i started it earleyer and it soked through and i have to buy the pant, and i didnt even similar to them! it be so embaressing!
their is practically no road to breed them shorter or lighter but ALWAYS bring extra pad and shorts and undies next to u or contained by ur locker. merely incase!

I wanna lose wieght?

it happen but my uniform is gloomy blue so nobody should buy pad for extra strapping flow (always is a great brand) and I don`t know by mortal alive it might be smaller number cumbersome....its dutiful to other pass around pad next to you and wear dim clothing....devout luck

my breasts is 34 size what type of bra shall i buy A B C cup?

Don't verbs - I regard this have happen to aallll of us girls. Try wearing an overnight maxi wipe near wing when it's thickset and progress them every four hours.

I enjoy alike problem and what I do is I wear a tampon AND a maxi wipe and I hold no worries. You can try that too. goodluck :)

Do fibroids lead to problems after childbirth?

OMG i surface so bleak for you! One time it kinda happended to me but it merely go through my pant similar to right below the nouns. I would probably purely wrap a sweatshirt around me if i be you though. I'm not sure of any ways to take home you peroid shorter or buoyant and I assume that at hand is no means of access to sort that develop. I hope i answered your ask correctly!

I am tot siiting friends kids. The oldest one is going to be 12 subsequent month.?

i no how you quality, it suck and itz really annoying!! What i did be i, lest arts school (''sick'' lol) and theres nought u can do 2 spawn it better i event asked a docter!

How can i incress my breast size.. do u know any idia abt this?

yes that own arise to me formerly! you requirement to relax and near nought you can do to slow it down!

Do i weigh too much for my age?

Yeah, it happen to me, but luckily i realize what be going on towards the bring to a close of a class when it gone a sucker on the bench (nasty!!) and I run to the subsequent class, asked to jump to the bathroom, run to the nurse and get a bright wipe. School nurses other enjoy extra tacky pad. To cover up the stain on my pant, the nurse give me her jacket to tie around my waist and told me to narrate citizens that I have found it on the floor or something and to pass it spinal column tomorrow.

Im curious nearly the things im sentiment?

Birth control help out my period alot when I be younger. The elder I get the worse it get. So I go rotten of the pill and my gyno told me nearly endrometrial ablation. Its be they insert a tube inside of your uterus and crawl it near steaming hot river and burn past its sell-by date the facing of your uterus. I dont recommend this to anyone i.e. childlike and wanting to enjoy children. It weaken the uterus and you are unqualified to take a child. But, my period be 7 days and bled and cramped severely. Now 3 day spell and not quite bleed. It worked for me. Im done have children. But birth control pill may be capable of straighten everything out for you.

Whens the best time to cart a p. tryout?

Tampons and a wad at like peas in a pod time... it will be humiliated, but it will oblige... I know how you consistency, I own alike problem, but mine is at work.

How did you detail your parent/s you have your first term?

It is not atypical for your length to vary months. I can usually predict which months are going to be the beefy months and which are not.... for me it seem similar to every three months I go and get a really filling one later a couple of months where on earth it is not so doomed to failure.

Everyone is different. You may also discern that things conveyance as you go and get elder and develop. Right in a minute your body is in recent times getting adjectives of the hormones etc figure out... and not to create it worse... after you own children, it tend to be heavier more of the time.

Period Q. .?

Yes when i be at this knees-up at a enormously expensive restaurant and i be wearing a short white dress. My interval started and i sensed something trickling down my leg. I know it wasn't urine and next i realize what it be. What to do immediately, luckily i be sitting down freshly after i be asked to gain up and do a presentation. I did but i stuffed my cloth napkin in my panties i rushed through the total article. Really near is not much we women can do almost our period. Just double wipe you may want to also insert a tampon first afterwards a wipe or two. Although you may touch similar to you enjoy a diaper merely grin and undergo it. Lots of luck hope this help you. Take keeping girlfriend.

Could adjectives the cranberry liquid I'm drinking for my UTI be responsible for frequent diarrhea olden times few days?

it's average to be bulky sometimes. i depends how your diet is. and how quickly i change and if you drink seriously of river. it surface to me contained by the sixth echelon. i spotted on some white shorts. i go to a Field trip and not a soul told me. we get fund within time for 6Th time of year and a short time ago so happen it be P.E. i be the monitor to report to everyone what to do and what stretches. i bent over to touch my toes consequently i hear those conversation and snickering. i didn't know until my class be over and some of my friends be trying to furnish me a bit but i didn't gain what they be trying to read aloud. plus within my PE class be plentifully of guys i have crushes on. and my first "bf" be within that class also.

This morning i have a tub and when i get out i slipped and hit my vagina on the switch tablet!?!?

its mundane it happen to me various times, to avoid embarasing moments in arts school i stay at home, be undamaging... and if u parley those stupid preventions surrounded by preventing from coming ur dirty blood out dats only not fitting taking birth control pills, and intake lemon? no, and easpecially swimming? no road because wen u get period u should never swim coz the dirty hose of the pool myt infect ur uterus it myt gain inside and it will create infection, its innate consent to it be sturdy, its mundane coz thats the approach adjectives ur excess blood comes out and cleanses our body! lucky we! girls!
u know wat i hav impressive period i comes after 2- 3 months and wen i be 17 yrs antiquated i donated blood because i want the dirty blood to grasp out of my body and be replaced again...

Night pad?

That happen to me too contained by my teens. My period used to be tremendously big.
I of late deal next to it by keeping an eye on my pant and keeping a dutiful supply of pad contained by my purse. Many years of aggravating period.

My period hold be lighter very soon because of the Pill, but I didn't move about on that until 1993.
The Pill eventually make your period lighter, but you hold to be taking it for over a year. I don't know if your mom would want you to seize on the Pill for your period. The Pill have some unpleasant side effects (some are temporary).

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