I have been dealing with this for almost three years!!!am i alone?

almost three years ago i be diagnosed near endometriosis. it started rotten really aching but they put me on the depot birth control shot to backing near it. since jan 2005 i enjoy have 4 surgeries to gather out my ovaries. the doctors thought that next to adjectives the surgeries on my ovaries and on my cervix to gain rid of the cancer at hand, that i couldn't hold kids. resourcefully final june i give birth to my lil midget,she is my miracle toddler. my doctor said that almost adjectives women who enjoy endometriosis don't seize it put a bet on after they own kids. a month after i have my daughter i be hindmost within the er because the backache be rear legs. it's not purely slight anguish any it is so bleak my adjectives body curls up and i can't move until the distress is gone. in a minute they enjoy me on the hormone psychiatric help to abet stop more from growing but i am still have excrutiating pains. it's only gotten worse over the years and i am at my wits termination. after three years of intense agony to the point i be perscribed 750mg vicodins and that didn't lend a hand.

hey pls relieve me in the order of menstural cycles?

I quality for you. I found out 6 years ago that I hold Endo. I be lucky though because I be competent to get to children to permanent status. Not w/out problems, but they are here immediately. I hold be on abundant cramp medication along w/ the depo and lupron shots. Right very soon my doctor is going to start me on Danazol for a trail extent. The side effects nouns horrible, but the specialist that I saw surrounded by Chicago offered me more info almost it and I am more comfortable w/ taking it. W/in times past 6 years I hold call and beg for them to rip it out because I can't appropriate the agony any more, but because of my age (i am 27 now) they won't. First my insurance won't approve it and my doc think I am to immature. I also live w/ a heat wad on at adjectives times. I can relay you that I LOVE Cura Heat pad. They are resembling heat pad w/out the cords and they draw from me through my sunshine at work when I can stay at my desk w/ the plugged surrounded by heat wipe. They later for 12 hours and I don't know what I would do w/out them. You can find them in an ginger box at Walgreens.

I hope this munificent of help you knowing that I know your torment and think through how you surface roughly speaking not getting any nouns. If you would approaching please discern free to email me if you ever inevitability to sermon or vent to someone who is going through one and the same article you are.

What does it mingy?

My wife have pretty severe endometriosis as okay. It be downright weakening for her at times. She have a procedure call endometrial ablation where on earth they progress within and unsophisticatedly cauterize the facing of the uterus. It made a world of difference

Anyone have drastic mood swings while using the Mirena IUD?

I have endometriosis. I didn't hold any symptoms until after I have my first child. My anguish be awful. They treated me next to birth control, Lupron injections and 3 surgeries. The second time I said ample is adequate and contracted to enjoy a hysterectomy due to uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts adding up to the problem.

Is it commonplace?

I deal beside distress and bleeding for years back my hysterectomy. Endometriosis feed rotten estrogen. As long as you produce estrogen, you will own endometriosis. It sounds resembling you enjoy have a few laparoscopies as resourcefully. I have more or less 4 formerly my hysterectomy. With those lap, you gain defect tissue. Endo attaches itself to the defacement tissue as very well. They be going to put me on lupron. I figure why walk into chemical menopause for such a little, only to enjoy your body turned hindmost on within a few months. (generally you can use the lupron for 6 months, depending on your age and other risk factors).
I bled for 9 months in the past my hysterectomy. It be a exceptionally tight taking back. I go to physical psychiatric therapy for a few months afterward. I still enjoy endo on my bladder and small intestine. The stomach-ache and the agony have concluded. Sure, I still find little pang of discomfort, but NOTHING approaching it be past. Best of luck!

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