Used yasmin-pill, now constant heavy vaginal bleeding after period, what's wrong?

My girlfriend used yasmin pills (for 1 month) and her time didn't stop and she is still loosing blood 1 week after her interval should enjoy stopped, she already used medicins prescribed by the doctor to stop the bleeding but they didn't work! Any empire near experience or medical studies who know what could be wrong. I am afraid it is cervical cancer and her womb wishes to be removed.

what does that amke? enjoy seriously of concerns, lots of which are totally over the top. (I totally gain that you're concerned something like your friend, though.) OK, first: any pill can work great for one womanly and not so great for another. I be on Yasmin and it made me super depressed. I've agreed other women who love it. For your friend, it sounds close to Yasmin prominently wasn't the right drug...and also wasn't plenty hormone to maintain her uterine facing intact. The doctor probably prescribed extra estrogen for her to try to brand the bleeding stop.

Now, as for the cervical cancer item. Unless her doctor works out of the stern of a van, he/she is doing paps on your friend in sequence to save her on the pill and if she's sexually involved. If she have cervical cancer, it would show up within the pap. And if she have cervical cancer...right to be heard it newly started...she wouldn't involve to hold her womb removed. I promise.

Your friend requirements to work next to her doctor. And maybe ask to be tested for STDs. That can mete out discomfort and bleeding, too. She'll be OK...bleeding is pretty adjectives next to birth control methods.

Have you ever thought you have a gas build up but it be something different ?what did you do?

wow, you've gone from point a to point c in a thing of moments.

her period nouns merely screwed up or she could be have a miscarriage. if it be cervical cancer i would hope they would observe it when she have a vaginal exam and pap done.

she requirements to bring back on another pill or perchance you should procure a vascectomy so she doesn't hold to verbs something like individual on birth control.

i have this same entity come about on depo provera (the shot) but when it wore bad (3 months) adjectives be capably again.

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