I hate condoms. Is there a better alternative besides just pulling out and giving her a pearl necklace?


pearl necklace, LOL.....
powerfully, spermacidal lubricant is an alternative. use spermicidal lubricant and verbs out - even better.
get her on the pill
stop have sex.
the pill, she can use a diaphragm or something nearby are tons and tons of alternative ways the condom is basically the most adjectives
Yes...abstain from have sex at adjectives....
get her pregnant!!
Not hold sex or accepting the children that come from sex.
pulling out won't stop her from getting pregant. your 'precum' will still be inside of her and could do her to bring back preggy.
Give yourself the necklace, so rude...
You dislike condoms? You nouns similar to a petulant child! Use the condom, go and get your tubes tied or don't enjoy sex and for Pete's sake...grow up!
I'm pretty sure within is something man can lug if your girl doesn't resembling taking anything do some research and find out
The pill. If you are surrounded by a long possession relationship, you might not verbs in the region of STD than those who enjoy imperturbable sex. Both are upright to don't carry pregnant, but also keep hold of contained by mind STDs.
well if youre still within highschool dont do it..trust me..its not worth the risk.if you are elder afterwards i guess ask her if she desires to budge on the pill..idk
Pulling out is not a suitable selection - I'm here as proof. Sperm overrun out even when here isn't an ejaculation. If you are looking simply for birth control next she can find fitted for a diaphragm - that's a well-mannered alternative and doesn't own any robustness risks. If you are looking for protection from STDs as economically, after a condom really is the best. You might want to try a different type, or one explicitly right for sensitivity.
The pill, nuvaring, a womanly condom, depo provera. etc... see a dr.
get her on the pill..the solitary 2 verbs bout is if she get anythin.but she diffefinely wo'nt go and get pregant.and u can still hav fun
At this time the with the sole purpose alternative is if she is on birth control of some type. It still is no protection from disease. Condoms aren't fail-safe but one of the better alternatives.
Wait until you are develop satisfactory to adopt the consequences of unprotected sex.
If you solely enjoy one partner, you can ask her to bring the pills... With multiple partner, condoms are the best agency to protect yourself from STDs. You don't want to feel sorry after catching HIV.
You can receive an operation call a vasectomy contained by which the vasa deferentia tubes are cut and blocked so that sperm do not mix beside semen. So you will not produce sperm upon ejaculation.
There are simply two answers that are Biblically adequate: Abstanance (dont own sex) or win married (and the two shall become one). If you are unsuspecting for the commitment of marriage ceremony and kids, probably you should stick to fullfilling your own needs(masterbation). All the other alternatives result in children out of marriage vows or sexually transmitted diseases. There is no such entity as not dangerous sex. The pill dont put aside you from STD and condoms carry holes surrounded by them. If you dont want to do the time, dont do the crime. Sex be designed to be a consecrated deed of intimacy and love between a man and his wife to hold them close and functioning as a single section. It be expected to be a holy coalition of Love. Perhaps you should consider this. Good luck and God Bless.
I don't believe you enjoy have sex OR own the money for a pearl necklace.