Consistent yeast infections...?

I hope someone have have this extremely annoying problem past. I be on the pill for two years, but go sour because within response to the pill i be getting extremely fruitless yeast infections. I hold have diflucan, and it is the singular article that cures it, but i enjoy to use it along next to Monistat. I enjoy be stale the pill for going on for a year and a partially. The other problem be i have somehow given the infection to my bf (who is uncircumcised). His doc told him that he would own it forever, so simply whenever we own unprotected sex (which isn't often) i other come up near a yeast infection again, even though he have a special cream that he have continuously used. I be wondering if ANYONE have have this problem back, because neither of our doctors have hear of this previously. I own read that men can carry yeast infections, but it is extremely undercooked. We hold both be tested for STDs multiple times because of this and everything is refusal. Andwe lost our virginity to respectively other, andhaventhadsexw/ne1else!

How much cardio would I ought to do to firm up my stomache?

His doctor be wrong. My friend have this problem for a long time. It done up that her and her husband be simply ratification the yeast infection pay for and forth to respectively other. His doctor give him a cream that cured his infection for dutiful. And she also be treated and immediately take Azo yeast to prevent getting them in the further. You should really see another doctor. It is not that singular.

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