I have just read an article on PCOS and I am confused. Can you provide me some advise?

To summarise...
I am have irregular period since the age of 14 (I am 23 now). I hold see assorted doctors and be told that it’s average for a girl to hold irregular period. Well, I own none at adjectives immediately. I own facial spike growth, acne and I weigh approx 110kg. I simply read an article on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and am really worried.

I enjoy be next to different GPs and they are not accepting at adjectives. I am currently taking tablets for acne. I am also have Chinese herb and Acupuncture to regulate my period [I am on the Chinese treatment since October 2006, and don't see any changes]. I own tried different methods to lose my consignment, but no nouns.

From the little research I hold done, I suppose I enjoy PCOS.

Is it advisable to verbs beside the Acupuncture? Is it possible to treat irregular (or none) period beside Chinese medicine? OR Should I consult a different doctor?

Thank you.

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It may in good health be that you enjoy PCOS but the certainty is that your period own never be regular. I'm a homoeopath & treat greatly of women beside spell problems. I've met heaps who own tried Chinese herb & never met one who have anything righteous to right to be heard going on for them - I suppose that's why they be trying something else. So far this year already, I've treated 2 PCOS patients who required to become pregnant & found out yesterday that they hold both have positive pregnancy test!! This is fine proof of the power of homoeopathy. You don't entail a conventional diagnosis to consult a homoeopath - in recent times yourself & your symptoms. Please consider going to see one but please go to a registered practitioner - you'll find a local one on the Society of Homeopaths website. Good luck - you'll be fine.

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Yes, I imagine you should run pay for to your doctor and ask to be tested for PCOS; if he doesn't agree, afterwards gain a second assessment - you're entitled to do so.

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I would consult the doctor again and put in the picture him what you reflect on. As a GP he should be sympathetic to you. I hold endometrisosis and be other told it be 'stomach trouble' until I moved house and changed doctors. When I told him of the symptoms he did an internal exam at hand and consequently and after referred me to hosp for follow up. From what you read aloud it sounds close to it could be PCOS. Don't verbs though, if it is that it is better to find out than be gone contained by the darkened. They can furnish you direction around lifestyle / diet etc. If you are worried roughly speaking mortal competent to own a own flesh and blood, one of my friends have PCOS and have manage to attain pregnant twice. Good luck I hope adjectives go okay.

What's the unflawed size for a women?

I be diagnosed near PCOS after two years of going hindmost to the Doctor constantly. I be diagnosed near depression, constantly given pregnancy test (even though I other used contraception and be positive I wasn't pregnant) and also told that I should see a psychiatrist.

In the running out I go to the doctor and insisted that I thought it be hormonal (the key problem I have be the constant mood swings, close to constant PMT but as I have a masculine doctor he didn't believe me!) I told him I needed a blood experiment to check my hormone level and if they be atypical I looked-for to be referred to a gynaecologist. Although he wasn't too thrilled more or less it he did do it and my hormone level be completely out.

Because I later have something to work on I be referred to a gynaecologist who did further test and confirmed it be PCOS.

I would push for making a inventory of adjectives your symptoms and taking these to your doctor, although respectively one can be dismissed on in attendance own together they may point to something person wrong. Ask for a blood oral exam to check your hormone level and write everything down at respectively appointment.

If you are have homoeopathic treatment next I would check that the being treating you is registered next to your countries regulatory body. If they aren't relocate practitioner. Also obtain more than one inference and if you don't guess what they are doing is working consequently speak about them so.

Finally above all don't verbs, rob practical steps to support yourself and if you want someone to sermon to here are heaps forums for population near PCOS adjectives of which are massively supportive.

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I too hold PCOS and necessarily its adjectives hormonal and comes from the pancreas and blood sugar stuff. After lots of internet research I enjoy found it seem we are deeply diabetic, next to Type 2 Diabetes. I dont be a sign of to verbs you. My results from blood sugar test come pay for denial but thats not other right. Just because a lab audition comes a in no doubt opening doesnt penny-pinching its right. The web is thought by some to be a impossible piece but I hold read reports where on earth some doctors are even using it see them to diagnose patients.

To cut a long story short if you research diabetic diets you will find it help. No sugar or low sugar is the process to be in motion. Ive asked for some philosophy on here for websites on where on earth to buy diabetic food. I hold one if you want me to share you.

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You should definately consult a doctor, I be diagnosed surrounded by September at 16, beside PCOS, and I own adjectives the symptoms you have, I be lucky adequate to hold a great doctor who said straight out when I told him adjectives my symptoms, irregular period every 2 and a partly months or so, severve acne, uncharacteristic fleece growth. If I be you, I would walk to your doctor and tellhim the reasearch you hold done ask for a blood exam to trial your hormone level and move about from near. And by the track please don't be worried, you'll be fine the uncomplicated treatment, is the Dianette pill, to treat hormone irregularities and regulate period and a tablet for your acne (thats contained by the UK). And also don't verbs roughly have children at hand are copious ways to conceive, and much give a hand.

But your first step is seeing your doctor and going from nearby.

Best of luck, hope it adjectives go very well!

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consult a different Doctor sweetie i go through adjectives that at 18 and finished up diagnosing myself you requirement a scan to find out weather you do enjoy cysts on your ovaries and how fruitless.I be told the elder you obtain sometimes the probability of pregnancy can drop i have my daughter at 20 and son at 24 and thank god coz at 28 I'm awaiting a date for a hysterectomy as my period and problems hold basically worsened over the years well-mannered luck xx


I would probably steer clear of the Chinese herbals. Go hindmost and see your GP. You seem to be to enjoy have no problem explaining via yahoo what the issues are. Go pay for and articulate to him or her, choose a different GP partner if you approaching or try the practise nurse. I am sure you will seize some more lend a hand.

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