How to change my period week when on birth control?

I simply started the ortho-tricyclolen birth control pill 2 months ago. Right very soon I am at the wrap up of my sugar pills on the 2nd packet. I realize that my extent is programme at a really unpromising time for me during the months and would similar to to redeploy it to a week subsequent or not own my time for the subsequent two months, how can I do this? Should I turn sour my pills for a week and consequently start over so my spell comes after that or should I in recent times skip over my sugar pills and start a topical pack?

Has anyone have atypical vaginal bleeding that last more than a month?

Next month, don't hold your sugar pills. Just start your subsequent pack right away (so you'll be taking six weeks of moving pills total).

This will push your term put a bet on by 3 weeks and sustain you to adjust it to a time when it might be better for you.

Just don't do it more than every 3 months or so, since these pills aren't made for continuous usage.

What is the easiest form of bith control?

I would stay on the pill and skip the sugar pills.

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You can do any, I used to turn bad a week and consequently craft it a week subsequently if you obligation to. I didn't hold an issue next to it. Skipping a length isn't bleak any, as long as you don't do this adjectives of the time. I have an central time off and didn't want to promise beside it. ( I be on impossible to tell apart pill as you are).

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