Is it feasible that a female who has had a partial hysterectomy to develop ovarian cysts?

My friend of abundant years think she might hold one and is too embarassed to get o her GP also she asks can they be painless?

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I guess it could be possible, have i have a full hysterectomy following my docs warning, he suggested it for the resons of have no problems next to my ovaries for the adjectives, have for self painless i wouldnt know, have we know the womanly body is complex, you must cheer up her to pop in the doc, reassure her its not embarassing the doctors are particularly insight next to things similar to this, your apparently a really apt concerned friend, dance near her for support, it help have someone near to chat to when your waiting.......i hope your friend will be ok

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Yes they can. Yes they can be painless.

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Yes it is possible..

Yes they can be painless - my pains use to come and be in motion.

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If she single have a partial hysterectomy , afterwards yes she can still seize cysts, some are painless, but most of the time you obligation to do something to shrink them or they can be severely hurting. she requirements to see her gyno.

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yes as it be a partial hysterectomy departing the ovarys

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i to have a hysterectomy only just within december and the just entry they moved out be my moved out ovary at my second appointment I have told the dr that i be still have some headache around that nouns and he said it is probably ovulation stomach-ache, that my moved out ovary will still ovulate even though the egg have nowhere to stir from in attendance...if my ovary can still ovulate that process i would assume that you can still form a cyst nearby.i did hold a bleeding cyst on my right 1 and this be really sore, this be the motivation for taking the right side I also have endometriosis which be the apology for the rest of the ahead and ask your dr thats what they are in attendance for

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It is exceptionally adjectives for women to enjoy ovarian cyst beside a partial hysterectomy, next to a partial hysterectomy the ovaries are departed, to avoid kick-off of hasty menopause, i know this because i have a full hysterectomy and have to remove both my ovaries due to fibroids.


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My friends wife did, here located contained by two different places.

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Yes, but merely a scan can prove it. A partial hysterectomy usually
finances the ovaries remain. It used to be fairly middle-of-the-road as it save women need HRT. Don`t be embarassed your GP have heared
it adjectives back. Don`t be off it to long.....Good Luck.

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