I'm going to be 16 years old in April and i still dont have my period. what could be wrong with me?


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some girls are belatedly bloomers, but you should other ask your doctor

A cross-examine for women?

Nothing! Are you over involved beside sports and exercise? If this is the armour, your metabolism is large and not giving your body a luck to arrest up to the growing process. Take it flowing for a couple of months and see what happen. If you haven't started by your birthday, consequently I suggest you see your doctor and bring back checked out.

Tummy tuck pls sustain?

Probably nought, as long as you are consumption robust and are not underweight. Some girls don't receive it until their unsettled teens or untimely twenties. Check next to your physician if you are really worried.

Body size quiz..?

could be a hormonal inequality, see your doc to be sure

Does anyone know HER2 NEG?

I am 30 now and did not return with my 1st length until I be almost 17. Please see a doctor if you own not already done so as I found out I have an ovarian tumor the size of a grapefruit and it needed to be removed. It be non cancerous and after I have the surgery I hold not have any more problems. My cycles are irregular, but Apri birth control is a low dose of hormones and it seem to regulate my cycles best and I do not experience any side effects.

Whats the easiest bearing to hold an orgasm by yourself and beside no toys? Any tips?

My younger cousin have this problem and so did my neighbor when she be immature. You will have need of to discuss beside a doctor. I do not call in the medical occupancy but I know that they will finishing up putting you on birth controls pills to minister to win you to start your time. Some inhabitants entail a bit extra support getting that started. Once it starts it get crazy from within. Just own your mom or dad speak to your doctor to see what can be done to oblige you gain started.

I put an rime cube into my vagina and in a minute its bleeding.. what's scheduled?

some individuals are slowly bloomers. I would step to the doc for a complete check up. you are sagacious to be concerned. Are you underweight? are you totally athletic? hormones, underweight, could be lots of things, find out from a professional very soon God bless and purloin precision of business

Period Help please?

Consider yourself lucky

Make an appointment and enjoy yourself checked by your doctor. Wish I have started unpaid. They enjoy medication to fix that.

Chest Pains below breast bone.?

most imagined nil. unsettled bloomer. I be 19 and out on my own I go to see a doctor when I be seventeen to be sure I be ok. You should do matching a moment ago to be sure.

Best birth control pill to steal??.?

some girls seize theirs behind schedule but i would budge homily to your doctor or step to a gynocologist newly to product sure that zilch is wrong.

Ok. Can someone please give support to me! i obligation to know my probability of person pregnant.?

nothing some girls hold at hand term latter within energy....it's untaught so don't verbs

Insurance not covering birth control?

wow..ur lucky...period suck

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