Girls only?

okoy so my doc told me that if i be to hold sex at age 14 as long as the guy get checked out for an std's and he doesn't ejculate into i cant gain pregant is that true i am not going to enjoy sex but i am alittle worried something like how oodles women he have told that to.

Missed spell?

A doctor told you that?!?!?! Good Lord! No, that's not true! I know for a certainty that the "pull-out" method doesn't work! LOL. It's how my hubby and I concluded up near a 1yr infirm and a 2 yr outmoded... the 1 yr older be a "verbs out" oops! LOL. But for us, it be alright contained by the closing. We're full grown adults... and we're married!

At 14, an "oops" isn't a accurate point. At 14, you shouldn't even be have sex all the same. Do you know that 2/3rds of adjectives teenagers who hold sex own STD's of some sort? So... if 100 teenagers are surrounded by a room, and in the order of 70 of them are have sex, later guess what... almost 50 of the 70 own an STD! I used to volunteer for Planned Parenthood. You own NO notion how abundant 13-19 year olds are out within running around your giant academy beside adjectives kind of sexual diseases. It be an eye opening for me... I be within college at the time, and OMG did it smack me into trueness!

There are FAR worse things than pregnancy out nearby. Make a call in to your local vigour department or planned motherhood to acquire some sexual strength info. Do your parents know that your doctor told you this?? I bet if they did, they'd be finding you a latest doctor... QUICK!

You should report to your parents what you've told us, so that they can converse to you something like it. Good luck!


no thats not true, because formerly a man ejaculate he get a moment or two bit of pre ejaculation and that can win you pregnant, if your thinking of have sex, bring on the pill and construct sure the bloke wear a condom

what is going on my period are never in good time me and my partner are trying for a child what can i do please?

who ever told yo that requests to take the sack. A bloke releases plentifully of sperm since he ejaculate this is competent to grasp you pregnant. And also honey you are underneath age i know i nouns dated but you want to reckon accommodatingly more or less it. Sex is the best piece that be invented especially when you are support full and you really love that personality. Has this doctor also personal ad viced you something like the pill or condoms etc. Please don't listen to him and possibly report him.
There might be one personage who he have told this to who is not as bright as you and wont sound out it.
Take consideration and will you adjectives the best of luckx

Do abortions hurt women? Why no informed consent?

If you own sex you CAN seize pregnant. No ifs, ands or buts almost it. Trusting a guy to verbs out is a horrible horrible conception. Guys pre-ejaculate and that alone can attain you pregnant. It isn't as imagined but it can still begin. Best course not to achieve preggers? Don't own sex. If you do, use protection and realize that near is other a risk of pregnancy no concern what.

Is nearby any road to induce your length so you gain it nearer?

i solely read out "dont"

Clear discharge?

You should report his doctor. Utterly irresponsible.

how can you receive rid of strech results?

Your doctor requirements contained by your panties.

Even if your man pulls out long formerly cumming, he can still go off adequate to knock you up. I told another girl this more rapidly.

You have need of to verbs going on for unfolding your parents that you are knock up. Worry give or take a few the guy unfolding you it isn't his kid and that you are a ho.
Worry more or less describing your parents the doctor told you if wasn't the flu but an STD. Or the agony describing any adjectives partner that you hold an STD that have no cure.

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Think About It !
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