Does eating chicken increase womens breast size?

Does ingestion chicken increase womens breast size? I am have a debate next to my mum, because she doesn't believe me, but I've hear that copious times. Have you hear of that previously and do you know if it's true.


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It can do, if you put away satisfactory. Most chicken surrounded by the US is rear using ample amounts of feminine hormones and giant level of womanly hormones do indeed head to larger breasts.

Most US beef is also rear using full-size amounts of feminine hormones.

This is one factor foremost to breast size within US women man considerably greater than surrounded by most of the rest of the world, even when we're conversation almost women from matching ethnic groups.

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I enjoy hear this with the sole purpose from you. Unfortunately/fortunately It does not . Just close to ingestion the brain does not furnish u the brain of the bird /animal so consumed.

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LOL!! If that be the shield, consequently coyotes would be wearing bras! No dear, I don't dream up ingestion chickens will increase them one iota!

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Sweetheart this is so UNTRUE! The lone item that increases a women's breast size is plastic surgery! Pregnancy temporarily increases them. Exercises single builds up the muscle at the rear the breast, at times making them appear larger. If you gain immensity your breast can become larger, but explicitly tubby.
So please stop ingestion adjectives that chicken!

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OMG!! get through several dozen and permit the rest of us know! You can't be serious.

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It never help me out...Lol.

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if you devour plenty to take home you gain substance it could

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no to be exact not true

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