Ok so i have mono and i dident know i had it till last week i went to the docotor 4 weeks ago to get blood?

tests create i told him i simply feel similar to i have no punch... i dont remember have a sore throat so anyways... i hav have it for 3 months and at hand isent really a cure for it and i awlways sleepy he said i will own it for around 3 more months,,, he have to check my slien to see if it be swollen create i play sports it wasent so it ment i was geting better... but im other tired... what do i do roughly speaking it... its really intricate to draw from up to institution within the morning... and i enjoy a chore and i play volleyball near finals coming up i call for more zest what do i do? i get through glowing and i tight respectable, soy milk and veggie girl and protein kinda character... i pinch multi vietmens to and i merely drank alot of ginger liquid... grr what do i do?


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I lately answered a request for information around this- another girl feel better than feel she have a relapse. I have mono surrounded by February and did not know it as all right (thought it be the flu) and consequently found out it be mono. I be sick for nearly 3 months. There are no medication for it. All you can do is REST, guzzle right, appropriate vitamins and drink closely of fluids. You have need of to jump rear to the doctor and return with more blood work to variety sure within is zilch going on. Do this as soon as possible. Also you obligation to embezzle some time stale work and sports until you surface up to it. Start hindmost slowly when you do be aware of better. I would surface better than be aware of horrible again and the doctor said it be the virus recycle itself though my body. It can effect you when you are tired for a long time. It can also, but once in a while, develop into chronic fatigue syndrome. The honourable word is that you cannot catch it again. However, it weaken your immune system especially contained by the start. That is another motivation you call for to budge to doctor and stay home and rest. You will discern better but slowly. I am 52 and I own almost completely recovered. You are youthful so you should rest faster. I merely surface bleak very soon when I am really overdoing it. I did not enjoy a sore throat any. It can effect your spleen and so no sports unless the doctor say it is OK. Take attention to detail of yourself and build the doctor appointment tomorrow rather and follow adjectives his instructions. Hope this help you. Google mono on web or run to CDC website or Mayo clinic website.

Any or adjectives can answer?

Dont believe almost it, be positive, and pray Allah Swt help you.

Islam is true walkway.

I hope to see you doing powerfully soon.

Salaamu alaikum.

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Lots of B vitamins may minister to, but mono is tired, adjectives within is.

I have a interval just about two weeks ago, and very soon i hold am have another one two week untimely?

Mono is a great imposter and can get going surrounded by a mixture of ways, but sore throat and fatigue are most adjectives rash symptoms. They can later for several weeks or longer. Most cases do not whip more than three months to resolve. If you are not recuperating soon, you should revisit your doctor for discreet exam and probably more test.

Anyone can explain me that, how to increase the size of breast through Natural bearing?

There isn't much you can do except listen to your body and rest. You inevitability to avoid alcohol for at most minuscule the subsequent six months. When you acquire mono it stops your liver from working properly, and it can't process the toxic stuff out of the alcohol, and you return with alcohol poisoning profusely sooner, and you really don't want your liver to stop altogether. I have it when I be 18. My liver function dropped to 25%. Not apposite.

what are the cause of ureaplasma?

do not try to play sports it holds you put a bet on more
i played volleyball for the academy and i have it (like you and didn't know it) but freshly lay down and sleep as much as possible

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