Where can I buy the jade eggs used in female taoist practises?


I enjoy be have alot brown discharge within my panties everyday for a year. It messes up my panties?

If you're surrounded by the UK, you can buy from the website below. And for an extra lb10, you can purchase the Yin Practices Pack, which includes egg and companion book.

Tampon give somebody the third degree?


Please assistance?

I know a couple stores surrounded by my nouns to buy that sort of point and if they don't enjoy what I'm looking for I usually ask at the counter and they can put together a suggestion. But I don't know of any stores within your location. www.littlemysteries.com have the possibilty to directive their merchandise. I can't voice for sure if they hold a jade egg though. Email one of the owners, I bet they'd own an concept for you.

Also freshly travel to the closest city and look around for doesn`t matter what store seem resembling it might own something close to that. As a being who know exactly that they are looking for a jade egg and why I'd think about you hold be into this sort of piece for a while and should already enjoy any notion of locations close by you.

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