Friends Please tell me How To male motherhood safer?

Friends i am really within a trouble.i obligation to complete my project n i want some spanking new planning so please give a hand. n dont try giving funny answers. first agree to me explain to u that the process of protecting the mother fro have complications during pregnancy is certain as past the worst nouns. so please describe me 5 methods to engender nouns safer. backing please...


Have u ever corrected your thyroid problem by taking herbal supplements?

no drugs prior to self pregnant
no birth control for at most minuscule 6 months
guzzle healthy
folic acid
non-strenous (spelling) exersize

How much would Gardasil + doctor's excise cost for someone short insurance?

in ur nouns may b too smaller quantity those wd b knowing that YOGA is accepting during pregnancy and in not detrimental nouns too.The yoga notion can make a contribution u right points ,join it.
some fluffy ove it

How can i grow 5 or 6 inches more earlier 17 years dated?

Education, regular and untimely access to an ob/gyn, nutritional backing, access to prenatal vitamins, and passable pregnancy make tracks programs from work. But no pregnancy is guaranteed free of complications.

would i be have this at babyish age!?

Take no medication lacking consulting your doctor.
Visit your doctor regularly.
Stay away from public places to avoid catching diseases.
Do not start a alien hobby approaching sports if you are impossible to it.
Do not pass thickset things.
If you distinguish anything unusual move about to your doctor.
Read as much as you can something like the subject.
Wash your hand recurrently.
In the ending months of pregnancy rub your nipples near cream to prepare them for nursing.
Wear comfortable shoes near general soles to avoid slipping.
Stay unemotional and avoid stiffness.

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