How can I get on birth control in need my parents knowing in the state of il?

Well me and my friend who is 15 were chitchat about man put on birth control with out our parents finding out. not because we are arranged to have sex but because of what else the pill can do close to help near cramps and long periods ect. Thats mostly the origin why and maybe if we are planning on have sex we would want to be protected ect. I was also wondering how much does the pill cost and what are the question the clinic will ask you when you go to go and get birth control and please don't tell me that I shouldn't inevitability birth control because at least I'm human being responsible.

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planned parenthood wont update your parents anythign as long as you can pay for the birth control. It'll be roughly 20 bucks a pack if you're under 18.

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If that's the real function you want birth control, then why don't you want your parents to know? And why don't you want use to inform you that you shouldn't be on birth control? I doubt that's the real plea..but just enlighten them and your family doctor can minister to you out.

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You're still a minor, and doctors can't treat you short your parents consent.

Im on birth control do i need the morning after pill?

Go to the free clinic...they are scheduled in the phone book...but if you want to be a fully grown you lady let somebody know your parents they will be proud to know that you care just about there inference when it comes to important subjects such your body.

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The pill helping with cramps is a myth. They don't. As for shortening period, that is untrue as powerfully.

The pill is very expensive if you're not on medical insurance, however, clinics similar to Planned Parenthood have a sliding pay cheque scale. The best place to walk would be Planned Parenthood.

When you go to a clinic for birth control pills, they will ask you question about your medical history, your period, and if you're sexually active. Then they will furnish you a pelvic exam. You can't get the pill short a pelvic exam first, then you must hold one every six months.

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