Where in your lower abdomin do you feel menaunstral cramps?

I own been reaction cramps on the sides of my lower abdomin but now I discern them in the middle and they seem to be to be getting a little worse near time but they don't hurt too bad. I haven't started my time yet and I am 11. I started to take cramps on my sides of my abdomin yesterday.

Is it bad to pilfer the morning pill twice within a month?

Well, perchance you will start having your time soon. I know some people who own had it even nearer than 11. Menstrual cramps are pretty much just below your belly button. And you might want to also ask your mom around her situation when she started having her time of year. That could help you determine what exactly is stirring. Feel better! :)

Girls only request for information! Need help here!?

Menstrual cramps will be right above your bladder. The cramping at the sides of your tummy could be your ovaries trying to release an egg.

Delayed menstruation!?

Anywhere from above your groin to below your abdomen, your lower vertebrae, your sides, etc.

All around there is intuitive.

When I'm having sex and he go in vast what organ is he hitting cause damn that hurts?

pubic nouns. sometimes the ovary area. close to on the lower pubic areas on the sides. u are gettin ready to start ur spell soon. now u know what u enjoy to look forward too. welcome aboard. achieve a heat pack n put on it it help

Causes of Cellulite?

have you had clear/whitsh discharge formerly,if so...welcome to womanhood hun it sounds approaching your gonna start,make sure you own plenty of supplies...anyway if you get blood on panties/p-jammas spit surrounded by it.something in your spit breaks down blood and prevents stains or helps prevent stains,if the blood dries on them use a measure of oxi-clean mixed in a bucket of river and leave p-jammas to soak overnight and follow the directions on the oxi-clean..only ask mom/older sis/sunt/female gaurdian if you have more question

Is an orgasm better than a high?

Thats outlandish. May I ask, r u over weight? B/c if u r, u can draw from your period rash so this could be a sign. In order to construct the hormones you need to develop breasts and return with your period, it uses hefty to make them. That is why when u see super skinny society, they prob. havent had their extent and they r flat chested. Or it could be a sign of ur appendix about to burst. u would requirement surgery and it is very serious. it is adjectives though. if the pain continues to find worse, I would go to the hospital. Or cramps be aware of like a stomach ake genus of. It is in like area of where on earth you get tummy ache. try taking an ibuprofen or tell your mom/dad and they will hook u up w/ some medicene. hope u quality better!

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