IUD removed hefty bleeding next term?

I have have nothing but problems next to my IUD so I finally had it removed concluding month. This is my first period next to it (aside from the bleeding that happened right after) and it is so hefty. Today is the second day and I am going through super plus tampons one every hour to hour and a half. I also enjoy really bad cramps.

Now this is where on earth I get adjectives paranoid and hypercondritic, but last dark when I woke up my shorts were soaking raining with something except blood. It wasn't urine and it was from my vagina. It is possible I was pregnant and this was a miscarriage or something and the liquid would enjoy been the amniotic fluid? I know that make no sense but my mind just started spinning and I get worried about what it may be. Thanks

Boils on my Vagina and below arms HELP !?

I would say run to the doctor.
It could be as simple as your body readjusting.


think you maybe obligation 2 get checked out by ur doctor when have mine removed had fruitless heavy period for cuple months but dont know bout other maybe best to turn see doc.

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