Could an Overactive Thyroid explanation this?

I found out I had an overactive thyroid within February of this year. Since I have be on medication my life have gotten back into some humane of order. Last summer I have strange desires and attractiveness to a married man. Could it own messed up my sexual hormones? I mean a soon as my life span got rear into order I saw the problem that have been created. Nothing happen sexually but it was similar to something was going in my mind that be very wrong. I thought I be imagining things that be really happening to me. Has anyone else experienced that be an overactive thyroid?

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I am not hyper but hypo, but I regard as what you went through is ordinary for Graves disease. I read about the symptoms and destimonies of hypo patients - over drive sexual stuff and desieres along near high libido and things. I come up with it is totally normal to exeprience this - although close to you said it is kind of wacky and abnormal. Did not mess up your sexual hormones but high desire for sex and such actions are very adjectives with overproduction of thyroid hormones. I am glad you are attitude better now!

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