Is there a adjectives I might be pregnant?

I recently started taking a birth control pill, but stopped after roughly two weeks because it made me feel sick. I have had my everyday period for 3 days since taking the pill, but stopping caused me to enjoy a period. While on this spell, I had unprotected sex. Is it possible that I could be pregnant?

What did they do?

you are unlikly to be but check beside you doctor or do a pregnancy test to put you mind at rest be paid sure you have adjectives your dates correct bring care

Is it possible that Pregnancy Test Home Kits go amiss to detect pregnancy?

Possible but not likely.

I have sex with my girl and she started bleeding after.?

how frail are u hun!?

My girlfriend leaks when we own sex?

Not very probable. A period is when the opportunity for a egg to be fertilized have been missed and your uterus, which thicken in satchel of a implantation of a fertilized egg, sheds the lining to prepare for the subsequent time. While that is taking place, there is no possibility for pregnancy because the egg have already passed and been destroyed. This temporay interval would have blocked your coincidence for getting pregnant but I wouldn't recommnd you counting on a period to be not dangerous to have sex. Stranger things enjoy been set to happen, so if you don't want to carry pregnant, find another way. If your pill made you sick, ask your doctor for low-dose pils or a progestin individual pill and that should help. Any BC pill will kind you nauseated for the first week or two but it will go away. if you can't fiddle with the sickness, you and your partner may need to use another alternative for birth control.

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