
when is a good age to start masturbating?


I am a pcos and the doc have put me on birth control pills.due to this the hair on my lead are!!?

when ever you start to grain the need. masturbation is typical and alot safer than having sex next to someone

Is this possible?

whenever you start to feel sexual urges. i'm a guy, and i started within 7th grade, at age 13.

Wrong Diagnosis? Period long-term over 4 months now? PLEASE HELP!?

any age resembling at laest 13

Is there a spot on hole you put your tampon in?

lol whenever you capture horny

Have you ever had a degrading moment with your guy/girl trainer and your period at academy?

I think whenever someone hits puberty...revise about your body more and what you similar to.

Could i have hirsutism?

I guess when you know what it is..

Totally up to you.


At any age

I am on a dive squad and we practice very year. Whats the best tampon?

Whenever you have the urge.

My best friend is 14 and her bra size is?

when ever u perceive ready in that is no age limit.

Yeast Infections w/ Sores?

The answer is at the conclude of your arm.

Has anyone been pregnant beside a fibroid the size of an orange?

You will know. If you are thinking in the region of it then here is no time like very soon.

What is an orgasm?

When you need some and dont catch some.. any age .

What's wrong with me? Sex issue.?

whenever you get the impression youre ready, i started when i be about 12, so, what ever floats your boat

My time has be a month long and now close to every other day?

It's zilch that you have to start doing, but whenever you consistency ready to do it, shift for it.

Itchy bumps on the groin?

do that at a later age such as 14 to prevent ed

Is it apposite to shave your legs?

When you are old satisfactory to understand why you are doing it in the first place.

Women just please: this is very unyielding to admit and terrifically embarrassing?

Really any age is biddable I started at 13. Most girls have ever start much younger 9 - 13 is regular and most girls have truly experienced orgasm younger than that by mistake!

How does the clitoris looks like?

start when you grain like it and it is a run of the mill thing to do the body and mind will thank you for this great impression you just give it and a good channel to get rid of stress

I be diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

Masterbation occur at different ages for different people. Men generally masterbate at a younger age then woman but it is adjectives up to the individual.

Orgasm help?

This is a catastrophic question.

Ok I'm 16, virgin and?

about 4-5 years antiquated

Birth Control Nausea?

when ever you want. as young as you want. beside anyone you want. tryout and be a porn star

I have have the following symptoms.?

i started in the 7th grade at age 13 and u catch hooked on doing it lol just close to real sex

How do u know if you enjoy herpes?

Anytime is fine, there is no age requirement. When you consistency you are ready and own the urge then start exploring, see what happen, and go for it. Don't try to force anything a moment ago go beside what feels right for you, and it will be fine.

My pad always srcunch up contained by my undies?

whenever you feel the urge to , I started at age 5!

To women who use menstrual cups, any brand recommendation and reviews?

I started at 13 not even knowing what I was doing.. later I learned that I be masturbating

I just have my period in the order of 2 weeks ago,just started birth control very soon its been 2 weeks and im have my period

Well, I started last year, and I'm 14 so at 13? most relations do. I mean it's not wrong or anything, freshly that it would be stupid to have sex at 13 so the average thing to do would be to look at porn or play beside yourself.

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