I am 49 and some months I own 2 cycles and then I will travel for 35 days?

before I get it..Is this a sign of Menoause? Also hold more mood swings and trouble sleeing..

Late period, or skipped? Any other reason why?

Sounds like perimenopause. I'm going through like thing and that's what my dr. told me. I sometimes skip 2 or 3 months earlier I get a time of year. Sometimes it's heavy, sometimes it's insubstantial, you just never know. Hot flashes, mood swings, tired and depressed, can't sleep - adjectives symptoms of perimenopause - which is the years that your body goes crazy beside all these symptoms in the past the periods completely stop. I've taken a dozen pregnancy test over the past couple of years because when my interval doesn't come, that's the first thing I focus of. Some months you go through adjectives the PMS, not for days but for weeks, and the period doesn't come. It's emphatically not a lot of fun.

You requirement to see your dr. There are tests to verify if it's perimenopause and you can discuss the best option for you.

Please help - i'm really worried?

My guess is Menopause, especially given your age and the mood swings, but I'm not a doctor.

Morning after pills?

sounds similar to it get to your obgyn in a minute get your pap and hormone level checked you don;''t have to suffer i do not recommed hormoess they can organize to brst cancer but there are over the counter herbal pills

Craving pickles and olives ?

Be sure to put in the picture your dr your symptoms when you go for your subsequent check-up. I am 55, and your symptoms sound abundantly like where on earth I was a couple years ago.
And don't verbs, once it's all over, you'll be fine!


you didn't say aloud if your having any hot flashes. But it seem to me you may be entering early menopause. Only your doc can right to be heard for sure. I entered mine at 42 and have everything removed because of the extreme bleeding. (I already had my tubes tied). Talk to your doc to be sure, he'll be capable of tell you and to communicate you what to expect if you are. Good luck


I haven't had my length in something like 4 going on 5 mo. yet and I know for a certainty I'm not pregnant..PLEASE HELP!

Yes, it is completely normal for your cycle to start mortal irregular close to menopause. I am 49 also and mine has be acting up for awhile. Do a search for perimenopause and you will find a fortune of information. Menopause is actually after your period have stopped for at most minuscule a year, but perimenopause (literally before menopause) can start lots years earlier and you will be amazed at the things going on to your body during this time. It's completely normal and you are not alone!

I am planning on have my tubes untied.?

hello i am 54 and i have a cycle for sometimes amonth and a partially i never know and i can hardly sleep i be hoping someone out could let us know if this is average and what we can do to get some much needed sleep any backing please thanks

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