Cyst/ ovaries?

I've had plentiful cysts in my ovaries in the past. the first time i had one be almost a year ago, and i was perscrible birth control, its be about 6 months since i hold taken any. I have have a couple more cysts since than. i went to the hospital once, and they told me i have a big one, but they left out that here was more than one. when i go to my gyno he was reading the treatise to me and he said i had a couple. i started taking birth control again, but its starting to cost to much. i am purely wondering from someone who has have cysts, or who knows who have cyst. will i still be able to hold kids, or will my ovaries be damaged for honourable unless i continue taking the birth control. what will ensue to me if my ovaries stop working. will my periods stop if they mess up and im not longer aloud to own kids. This is kinda scary to me. So i would apprecate your serve and no stupid comments. Please and thank you


Savannah, GA. Which is the best comestic surgery center for breast reduction/tummy tuck?

Yeah.doctors want you on the pill because they make $$ everytime one of us fill the prescription. You're a number for them and a sale.

I dried up my time on 13 MDs (specialists..etc.) who were clueless. Then I started seeing an ND (naturopathic doctor/MD and one of the things he put me on be Iodine (called Iodoral). I researched it and lookie what I found - it cures ovarian cysts...both ovarian cysts (the big ones) and the PCOS ones..the smaller ones on the eggs. You can read more about it here...

Here's where on earth I buy mine cause it's HALF the price from what my doctor sell it for... Check out the Iodine the undamaged site really.

If you do can buy the other supps cheaper maybe at your local vitamin to check prices...I close to NOW Brand ( You wll need Vit C, magnesium, niacin, selenium.

Not to shabby for dissolving cysts.

And you asked will your ovaries be destabilized by the pill? YES. You are taking FAKE hormones. FAKE. Not the kind your body recognize. Will you still be able to own kids? Good question...embezzle care of yourself, capture off the pill.

I CANNOT HAVE CHILDREN appreciation to a doctor putting me on the pill. My ovaries started shutting down in my 20s and no doctor would EVER run further tests...I have many complaints and be always blown bad. Because of what the pill has done to me, I kind it my life's desire to warn as tons women about this as possible. Doctors will communicate you they are safe...but they are lying or only just plain uneducated...which is a fear-provoking thought. I know of several women that this has also happen to.

Good luck!

What do they do in a bladder tieuup?

Well, it depends if the cysts start to affect egg release or not. The birth control really only help regulate hormones w/ the hopes that is will adaptation how often the cysts form but surrounded by reality it usually simply helps w/ period and pain due from the cysts and heavier period b/c of lack of hormone control. You might try to see if you can travel to a local health department and win birth control from them or if your doc can switch you to a cheaper pill that costs less/has a generic.

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