Bleeding a lot on extent?

i have thoroughly heavy period and i am on the pill thinking that would help it hasnt, anything i can do for a lighter interval?

How Possible Is It?

Not really id see your doc more or less changing your pill for another. Different pills achievement in different ways and the doc may dispense you one that is alot better for you. Bottom smudge is see your doc to see what can be done.

What should you do when you bleed the first time you have sex?

Go vertebrae to the docs, you may need the type of pill shifting.

Is there any pill over the counter that a woman can hold?

Your doctor can prescribe something to help beside the heavy bleeding

Smelly Feet Girls Union!?

how long enjoy you been on the pill? i still have heavy period for the first year of teh pill its moderate flow...on the pill,only like when you first start your body is still getting used to the hormones and change the pill makes

I own this.?

You may want to have your Dr. check you for fibroids. Fibroids can motivation you to have enormously heavy period.

I found a website for you:

Good luck!

2 1/2 wks late but unenthusiastic?

yes, you can go to ur dr and ask for tranexamic bitter (500mg tablets), this helps to minimise the immense bleeding. it is prescription only so travel to the drs. that is wat i hold and it makes a world of a difference. when u obtain it you will be told to take it for the first 5 days, it will blanch up withing 2days.

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