Whats a sperm?

I'm young...no clue


Girls, shaving counsel.?

Sperm is male fertilizing cell...and vastly much more.Try this link and this will be vastly helpful for u---http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/sperm...

Can I be Pregnant?

um, it's what fertilized the egg to put together the woman pregnant. How old are you? You'll cram it by yourself later.

Trans vaginal ultra nouns..?

comes from the penis when a male get excited. fertilizes a females egg to make a infant.

Are these mood swings.. I can't tell?

chica =honestly -wait until you are elder to find out or ask your Mom

Is it normal to win the munchies before your extent?

you're obviously youthful.
sperm is the white stuff that comes out of the head of the penis whenever guys orgasm. the sperm penetrates the girl's egg after she ovulates..which next gets a girl pregnant.

you should ask your parents this stuff,kiddo.

How much should a juvenile girl weigh?

Well you must be to young to ask that. You gain health class at middle college and they will teach you.

For days gone by 2 weeks I've its seems that I've be eating more and more frequently but i havent gain weight.

men produce millions (up to 200 million per millliter) of sperm every time in the testicles. They are thoroughly tiny and look like tadpoles: in the order of 30000 of them could sit on top of a pin. Each one is partly a human being surrounded by terms of DNA code. If one meet and binds to an egg in side a female (an egg is the partner on a human being) a new toddler starts to form and the woman is 'pregnant'. Sperm are the males seeds: eggs are a woman's - but she individual produces one a month (two weeks after the period), so this is the most fertile time. Sperm live four days but eggs only live sometime.

Please help!!!!!!?

Females trade name eggs. Males make sperm.

If a sperm meet an egg then the egg is fertilsed and you take a baby.

You don't know where on earth babies come from?

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