Do i have to stop the pills or verbs? what will happe if i continue to bear the pills?

I missed three pills from my contraceptives before 4 days while i'm at the formation of the cycle & i've just get the period right presently.

Help my friend?

Read the pamphlet that came next to your pills.

Call your doctor or pharmacist and ask THEM not YA! for advice.

Google your pill online and find out what to do beside regards to missed pills.

What brand are you on? Different brands may hold different instructions.

This is the instructions for mine if I miss three pills (Kariva):

If you miss three doses in a row, you should notify your physician or other strength care professional for instructions. You will probably stipulation to throw away the rest of the tablets in that cycle pack and start over.

Pleasse. abet..?

continue. But use extra protection, u can't rely on them for a while.

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