SEVERE cramps for the first day of my extent?

I get immensely very severe cramps contained by my stomach the first day of my time of year. I hurt so bad that I cant stand up but sitting hurts purely as much. If I lay on my side it hurts pretty bad but if I lay on my support instrad it hurts so much that I have to sit up imedietly. Help. What can I do to generate these pains less severe or jump away. I asked my mom about birth control but she doesnt give the impression of being too fond of that idea. She may infer that that's really not what it's for. I get my interval about every 5 weeks.

Is Endo other associated with wager on pain?

I used to cramp approaching that for years. It eased up as I get older, but never really go away. Try Midol orTylenol and a heating wipe or patch. I do not advise using any aspirin products during your length since aspirin thins your blood. Hope you feel better.

How do u stop the strain wen u get ur interval?

My Fiance had cramps that unpromising too. Over time, they will get smaller quantity severe. There isn't much that can be done about it. You might know how to get dull pain meds through a doctor.

Does it make a difference?-Ladies?

that's run of the mill - the first day of mine is usually the worst, but usually Aleve and melt compress or heating wipe over my stomach workd. Your pains sound severe however, I would dance to a doctor is pain killer and a heating wad doesn't work.

MAJOR mood swings!! HELP?

Try taking aspirin such as Tylenol Extra Strength. Just make sure beneath Uses it lists "menstrual cramps". During summer, put a heat pad on it. (Only aphorism during summer because you can't do that in school, lol)

If that doesn't work, next ask your mom to take you to your doctor, who can prescribe you to something.

Sixteen and flat?

That happen to me sometimes, I'd just right to be heard Heating pad adjectives the way. Or thieve Midol.

What is yaz or Yasmin?

when i first started reading, i would have suggested birth control, but i see you already tried that (maybe try harder?). i'm sure you've already tried the simple pills and heat pads, so the one and only think i hold to suggest would be to watch tv and try to acquire your mind off of the headache until it goes away. (sorry if i wasnt much help)

Birth Controlwhat generous is the best?

Just drink a lot of sea.

Weight problem?

I have really unpromising cramps on the first day to. If your mom won't tolerate you get on birth control next you might try midol it helps and they engineer heat patch that you can put on your stomach those really help.

Is it possible for a tampon to receive stuck?

i have that same problem and i tried midol and it works great. it is really cheap smaller quantity than $5 at wal-mart

Does anyone know of any medicine for stretch marks-am a Ghanaian?

I help yourself to Midol whenever Im about to carry my period and the first sunshine because thats when my cramps are at its worst. There is also Pamperin and you could even just steal aspirin to dull the pain.
A heat pad would quiet the cramps, or even taking a hot bath or running melt water on your stomach.
Good luck!

Can you reverse a partial hysterectomy?

talk to your doctor
lug a hot bath
take midoll,or toleynol extra strenght,or advill
drink tea
exercise here is actually plentiful things you can do i get fruitless cramps to and these really work

I want my breasts bigger?

Most definately use a heating wad and ibuprofen. I've been in attendance, I know! The heating wipe will work the best! Please try it.

Question about boob size.?

I be the same method. I had extreme cramps, couldn't move, and missed academy and work many times. The solitary thing that worked for me be birth control. You might want to try and talk beside your mom again. Explain to her that you can be trusted and the pills will be for your cramps. If that doesn't work, you two go to a gynecologist and he or she can speak about you both your options.

No time of year for 4 months & I'm not pregnant.?

If you talk to a doctor (my aunt prescribed it, she know I'm not a Pill fiend, so I didn't want an appointment), specifically an OBGYN, get Naproxen. Trust me it works MIRACLES! The cramps stop inwardly the hour!

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