THyroid Madness?

Okay in 2002 at 17 years old, I have surgery on my thyroid, there be a cyst that had to be removed. During the process they removed some of the thyroid. The doctor have never prescribed me any throid meds, or anything since. Since then I enjoy been have hot flashes, and my body seems to overheat at times, and I am just 22 years of age. I just found out I am 1 month pregnant, and from time to time i would overheat and get the impression so dizzy, cant stand for more than 10 minutes, will my thyroid affect my pregnancy and should i be taking thyroid meds, Ihavent had my first prenatal appointment on the other hand, and kind of worried.

Burning Calories?

im suprised they didnt supply u any meds sense they took part of your thyroid out. I hold no idea on how that could effect your pregnancy u may want to ask the doc

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If you think here's a problem with your thyroid function, why don't you merely ask to have a TSH even drawn? I don't see much sense in getting worked up almost it when a simple test can enlighten you.

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These are adjectives questions you should be asking your ob/gyn. He/she can put in the picture you if you need to be on thyroid medication and it is locked while you are pregnant. Dont be afraid to ask. It is for the safety of you and your child. Best of luck!

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It does appear strange that you don't have your thyroid level monitored given that you had piece of your thyroid removed, but it's also very adjectives for your thyroid to "make up" for any sector of it's that missing. The symptoms you describe (being hot, etc) are actually more adjectives to hyperthyroidism (too much thyroid hormones). It's most dangerous during pregnancy if you're hypothyroid (not adequate thyroid hormones). Regardless I would call your ob/gyn and ask to confer with the nurse. Tell her your concerns and ask if you can travel in this week to enjoy the blood test to test your thyroid levels.

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