How can we develop our personality?
ok masturbation you dont neccisarly enjoy to stick your fingers up yourself cuz that hurts ALOT if ur a vigin. but usally its just when ppl r horney the rub themselves to get hold of relife.. try it if u like it do it again but thts ur buisness lol.oh and its a private entry so either do it at nite when ppl r sleep or do it below ur covers wen if someone comes in you can in recent times move ur fimgers and pretend lyke u werent doin and im 12 so yea lol i no wat ur goin thru
Using your fingers to stimulate your sex organs.
Tell me astory about your peoriod.?
Pleasuring yourself to climax. (orgasm)Can shoe sizes devolution drastically?
funplaying with our private parts to get yourself feel moral and often closing moments in a realease of tautness from the body or fluid from the sexual organs
enjoy yourself
masturbation is touching oneself in a sexual manner.
Can you grasp any kinf of disease or infection if your boyfriend"helps you out"?
its when u confer yourself pleasure by sticking your finger up there, or using a vibrator to grasp an orgasmCould i be havin polycycstic ovarian syndrome?
Using your fingers to stimulate your sex
playing with our private parts to net yourself feel apt and often finish in a realease of rigidity from the body or fluid from the sexual organs
enjoy yourself
its when u confer yourself pleasure by sticking your finger up there, or using a vibrator to bring an orgasm
any of des
Why do some people pee when they enjoy an orgasm?
basically playing with yourself sexually to calm yourself without a partner man
all the info you want!
best way to c u m
Can you dub my health problem please?
go ask your mommyI havent have my period nonetheless, at all, and ive be getting brown discharge. any explananation?
One of the joys of energy! Lots of information on the web such as:for guys:
for women:
Completely commonplace, completely healthy, completely FUN! No side effects, substantial mental and physical benefits and the safest sex you can enjoy! ENJOY!