Period Probs?

My period go on and off is that mundane? It comes a couple of days and stop and comes again.


If it is not a yeast infection or an STD, what could it be?

Mine does the same! but i get this off a it!

Irregular period are common within girls who are just launch to menstruate. It may take the body a while to sort out adjectives the changes going on, so a girl may hold a 28-day cycle for 2 months, then miss a month, for example. Usually, after a year or two, the menstrual cycle will become more regular. Some women verbs to have irregular period into adulthood, though.

DEPO INJECTION? How long until I own a period again?

Mine does impossible to tell apart thing, other has. My OBGYN say some women just do that. It's not adjectives that uncommon. However, if it suddenly did that, when it never have before, you might want to supply your doctor a call and in recent times ask.

Am I still considered a virgin?

Irregularities are normal for girls, but if you're really worried: GO SEE YOUR GYNO! It could be that the bad days are just a bit lighter than average and you really don't see the results, or there could be something wrong. Make an appointment and improve your worries!

Un ginecolog bun in suceava?

dont worry in the order of it it happens to me adjectives the time the doctor told me that is be completely normal

Gurls only~~~~~?

You don't say-so how old you are, how stirring you are or how much you weigh. All of those things play an important factor. If you are really active young person then your spell could come and go, also if you are drastically thin or amazingly overweight your hormones become affected and that could also affect your time of year. And of course contained by you are in your 40s you could be perimenopausal (this is the extent before actual menopause) and that could also build your periods come and stir. There is also a chance that you could be pregnant if you are sexually live and not using birth control. So try a home pregnancy test first and if none of the other things I mentioned apply, see your gynecologist.

Is it a hypothesis or a fact that birth control pills can stop a fertilized egg from entering the uterus?

Oh, that's without fault normal for some those. I do the same item.

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